The Best Trees and Shrubs for Fall

Nothing signals the arrival of fall quite like the changing leaves. With deep, burgundy-red and vibrant, pumpkin-orange foliage, trees and shrubs can easily be the star of your fall garden.

Here are a few of our favorites:

There are not many things that signal the arrival of fall quite like the changing of colors in the trees. There is nothing quite like a visually stunning fall garden. This blog details some of our favorites, from burning bushes to maples, azaleas to aucuba, gardenia to hydrangea and beyond.

Sugar Maples

With their orange, yellow, and fiery tones, sugar maples are the highlight of the fall landscape. They enjoy full sun and plenty of room to grow. Their majestic presence in the landscape signals that sweater weather is on its way.

red sunset maple - patuxent nursery

Red Sunset Maple

The best trees and shrubs for fall - october glory maple - patuxent nursery

October Glory Maple

legacy sugar maple - patuxent nursery

Legacy Sugar Maple

Japanese Maples

If you are looking to add a tree to your yard that will make you think of fall throughout the year, a Japanese maple is the right fit for you! From their first leaves in spring to their last leaves in the winter, these colorful trees will help paint a fall pallet in your garden for three of our four seasons. As an added bonus, most Japanese maple  trunks will be the brightest of colors on through winter. Below are some types of Japanese maples:

Tamukeyama Japanese Maple - patuxent nursery


Bloodgood Japanese Maple - patuxent nursery


Red Spider Japanese Maple - patuxent nursery

Red Spider

The best trees and shrubs for fall - Viridis Laceleaf Japanese Maple - patuxent nursery

Viridis Laceleaf  

Waterfall Japanese Maple - patuxent nursery


Best Plants for Dramatic Fall Landscapes

There are many plants that will compliment/add to fall’s dramatic landscape:

encore azalea - patuxent nursery

Encore Azaleas will be in bloom providing a delicate but bright flower against multi-colored foliage.

encore azalea - patuxent nursery

aucuba - patuxent nursery

Aucuba is outstanding broadleaf evergreen.

Frostproof Gardenia is a glossy evergreen that flowers in the summer.

gardenia - patuxent nursery

itea - patuxent nursery

Itea is a native shrub with graceful weeping flowers in the spring an reddish/purple foliage in the fall.

Abelia Kaleidoscope provides multiple seasons of interest. Their foliage is triking against the bright white/pink of their flowers.

abelia kaleidoscope - patuxent nursery

sumac grow - patuxent nursery

When it comes to that crisp fall fragrance in the air, this little guy, Sumac Grow Low is part responsible. It smells like fall and looks like it too.

When planting new trees and shrubs, don’t forget to use Biotone Starter and Leafgro to ensure that your plants receive all the nutrition that they will need to get a good start. Need help figuring out the best trees and shrubs for your landscape? Stop by or give us a call at 301-218-4769.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. gwendolyn lyons Reply

    I live in Suitland Md. and I want to plant a golden rain tree. Is this a good area for such and do you sell them? Please let me know if I can purchase a rain tree from your nursey and when is the best time to plant it. thanks

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