Choosing the Right Pottery for Plants and Winter Care Tips

Choosing The Right Pottery For Plants And Winter Care Tips

Pottery comes in a variety of materials, each offering unique advantages. Selecting the right type of pottery is crucial for the health and aesthetics of your plants, especially during the winter months when cold temperatures can impact both the containers and the plants they hold. In this article, we will explore the different types of pottery, their winter care requirements, and the advantages of each.

terracotta pottery

1. Terracotta Pottery:

Terracotta pots are made from clay and are a popular choice for many gardeners due to their classic and rustic appearance. They are porous, allowing air and moisture to pass through the walls, which can be beneficial for plant roots. However, this porosity also means that terracotta pots can dry out quickly, requiring more frequent watering. During the winter, the porous nature of terracotta can be a disadvantage as it makes the pots more susceptible to cracking and damage from freezing temperatures. To protect terracotta pots in winter, move them to a sheltered location or wrap them with insulation to prevent freezing.

ceramic pottery

2. Ceramic Pottery:

Ceramic pots are made from fired clay and come in a wide range of colors and designs. They are less porous than terracotta, which means they retain moisture better and require less frequent watering. Ceramic pots are also more durable and less prone to cracking in freezing temperatures. However, they can be heavier than other types of pottery, making them more stable during changing weather conditions. During winter, it is still essential to provide some protection for ceramic pots to prevent thermal shock from rapid temperature changes. Elevate the pots on pot feet or place them on a layer of gravel to ensure proper drainage and reduce the risk of freezing.

plastic pottery

3. Plastic Pottery:

Plastic pots are lightweight, affordable, and available in various sizes and colors. They have the advantage of retaining moisture better than terracotta, making them a good choice for plants that prefer consistently moist soil. However, plastic pots may not provide the same level of insulation as other materials, making them more susceptible to temperature fluctuations. To protect plastic pots in winter, consider moving them to a sheltered area or wrapping them with insulating materials.

fiber clay pottery

4. Fiber Clay Pottery:

Fiber clay pots are a relatively new option that combines the durability of fiberglass with the appearance of natural clay. They are lightweight, weather-resistant, and less prone to cracking in freezing temperatures compared to terracotta. Fiber clay pots are also less porous than terracotta, which helps retain moisture for plants. During the winter, fiber clay pots can be left outdoors, but it is still a good idea to elevate them off the ground to prevent waterlogged soil.

concrete pottery

5. Concrete Pottery:

Concrete pots are sturdy and durable, making them an excellent choice for large or heavy plants. They can withstand harsh weather conditions, including freezing temperatures. To protect concrete pots in winter, elevate them off the ground to prevent freezing, and consider using pot feet to improve drainage.

overwintering pottery

Winter Care Tips for Pottery:

As a general rule of thumb, it is a good idea to follow the tips below for overwintering your planters:

    • -Elevate pots off the ground to prevent freezing and waterlogged soil
    • -Move pots to a sheltered area, such as a covered porch or a greenhouse, during severe winter weather
    • -Insulate pots with materials like burlap, bubble wrap, or blankets to provide extra protection from freezing temperatures
    • -Avoid using saucers under pots during winter, as they can trap water and contribute to freezing and cracking


Choosing the right pottery for plants and providing proper winter care will ensure that your containers and plants remain healthy and vibrant throughout the colder months. With the right combination of pottery and winter care, you can enjoy a beautiful and thriving garden all year round. Stop by our nursery today to check out our large selection of planters!