7 Reasons Why You Should Plant Your Spring Garden in the Fall
Spring is known for gardening but did you know that fall is a great time to plant? Here are 7 reasons why you should consider fall planting:
1. Its cooler out, which is great for both plants and gardeners. Gardeners can take advantage of milder temperatures and enjoy fall planting without the sweat and oppressive heat of spring or summer. Ideally your fall planting should be done by early November, about 6 weeks before hard frost. And for the plants, cooler temperatures are ideal for root development because the ground and soil is still warm which will allow roots to grow until the ground freezes.
2. Spring weather can be volatile while fall tends to be milder. With less rain in the fall, you have more days in the garden and the soil is easier to work with.
3. Sales, Sales, Sales! Garden Centers have great end-of-season sales on plants, trees and shrubs in the fall that you can save you a lot of money.
4. There is less chance of pests and diseases in the fall.
5. You don’t want to stimulate growth so avoid fertilizing.
6. You don’t have to prune because you want to disturb plants as little as possible.
7. You no longer need to frantically plant in the spring and wait for the soil to warm up so your plants can start growing. All you have to do is watch your amazing plants and flowers bloom and enjoy the view.
Patuxent Nursery has spring-blooming bulbs such as crocus, alium, tulips, narcissus; perennials like dianthus, wandflower, and baptisia; redbud, dogwood, cherry and plum trees; and shrubs such as drift rose, spiraea and beautybush on sale now. Stop by today and buy what you need to get your spring garden planted this fall. Not sure what to plant? Our knowledgeable associates will be more than happy to help you pick out the plants that are best for you.