5 Things You Didn’t Know About Poinsettias
Poinsettias are a top holiday flower pick for their beautiful array of shades and colors. They have traditionally been the winter holiday’s most popular plant, the sure and steady standby, but do you really know about the Poinsettia? We bet you don’t! Here are 5 things you didn’t know about Poinsettias:
Poinsettias Can Be Painted
To fit the most unusual of tastes, Poinsettias may be painted, just about any color, to match your holiday decor and finished off with glitter to complete the festive look.
Poinsettias Are Not Poisonous
It’s important to note that Poinsettias are not poisonous. The widespread belief that poinsettias are poisonous is a misconception. As with all ornamental plants, poinsettias are not intended for human or animal consumption. Individuals with sensitivity to latex, the milky fluid found in cut poinsettias and other plants, may experience allergic reactions in the form of a rash or irritation when the skin is exposed to the latex.
Poinsettias Are Clean Air Houseplants
All in all, the poinsettia is a safe plant and is on the top of the list of most helpful clean air houseplants. These plants are an excellent addition to your house since they’re able to clean the air and look good while doing it. Poinsettias remove the trace formaldehyde that exists in the air from insulation, grocery bags, particleboard, and other household items. This leads to cleaner air with fewer pollutants.
NASA has done extensive research on clean air plants and found that in a room with a standard 8-foot ceiling, two plants can clean 100 square feet of area. This may be more plants that you’d want to keep in your home, but every little bit helps!
Poinsettias Are Easy to Care For
Poinsettias are easy to care for, too. They prefer indirect, natural light, especially during the shorter days of winter. Protect them from cool drafts and extreme temperatures. Water them in the sink, let them sit for five minutes, then discard any excess water. You may need to water every day, just pay attention, and don’t let them dry out completely.
Poinsettias Aren't Just for the Holidays
You can keep your Poinsettia all year-’round! Don’t fertilize your Poinsettia while it’s blooming but in the spring while the plant is growing, begin to feed the plant once a month with any water-soluble plant food, such as Jack’s. New foliage should begin to appear about six weeks after blooming ceases. You can repot your poinsettia into a slightly larger pot in the spring. Just use regular potting soil while repotting and enjoy! In September, to encourage blooming, switch over to Jack’s Bloom Booster.
Patuxent Nursery has a HUGE selection of Poinsettias in-stock now! Stop by today and add some beauty to your home for the holidays.
I was looking for clean air plants, looks like this is right choice. thanks