Terrariums and Supplies for Sale

Terrariums and Supplies for Sale

A terrarium is a unique type of indoor gardening container that can be easily made in no time at all. Materials such as glass containers, moss, rocks or shells, and plants all come together to make a beautiful display of greenery. It is the perfect way to have plants without the hassle of a consistent watering schedule or caretaking routine. Even those who consider themselves plant-challenged can master taking care of a terrarium.

Terrariums are partially or fully enclosed to allow heat and light to enter through the glass while confining moisture and humidity. It is best to have them only partially closed to prevent moisture loss but still allow for airflow. You can use a glass container, a small jar, and even a goldfish bowl to make a beautiful terrarium masterpiece. Also, get creative with planting! You can choose from a plethora of plants, colors of rocks, and fun decorative items like little fairies to make them into a fairy garden if you’d like.

Terrarium Containers

When choosing a terrarium container it is truly up to personal choice. The most important aspect to look for is that it has a large enough mouth to plant inside. You can use a mason jar, wide-mouth fishbowl, or even a large empty pickle jar. The wider the bowl, the easier it will be to fit more plants, soil, and decorative elements. Some people even use heavy plastic containers, but most prefer the look and feel of glass.

Terrarium Additives

No terrarium is complete without all the goodies that go inside. Moss, rocks, seashells, potting mix, and any decorative pieces you’d like to add all go inside your container. Here is a breakdown of what you need and why.

Moss and Rocks: Since your container will not have drainage holes you must add a drainage layer to help keep water away from the plants’ roots. Place a layer of sheet moss at the bottom of your container. You can also add a 2-inch layer of rocks or stones to act as a drainage layer. A tall, narrow terrarium will require more drainage than a wide, shallow container.

Activated Charcoal: Charcoal helps drainage and controls odors. Use a large spoon and add a 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch later on top of your stones or moss.

Potting Mix: If you used stones as your drainage layer, add a thin layer of moss to keep the charcoal from mixing with the potting soil. You can add any sterile general-purpose potting mix to your container. We recommend adding at least a couple of inches or as much as you can fit. However, keep the soil level low enough that your plants will fit inside without touching the top of the terrarium.

Decorations: After adding the plants into your terrarium you can add any sort of decorative piece inside to customize it. Try adding small figurines, shells, or other accents and space them among the plants. This is not a requirement, simply a fun idea to make this 100% unique to you.

a person making a terrarium

Choose Your Plants

When choosing plants for your terrarium, pick ones that are small enough to fit in your container. It is also crucial to make sure these plants can survive in this kind of living environment. There are so many plants to chose from, and the majority of them are easy to grow even a complete novice can have success. When they are in a closed terrarium, these plants rarely need water and will grow happily for years. Here are a few we offer at Patuxent Nursery.

Creeping Fig (Ficus primula): This plant has small, variegated heart-shaped leaves. It is a perennial climbing vine, and you can train it to creep up structures inside a large terrarium. This plant would add dimension to your container with other low-growing plants.

Artillery Fern (P. microphylla): Despite the name, this plant is not a fern at all but a member of the Pilea family. They produce small leaves and vine similar to the Creeping Fig. They are a delicate and textured addition to any terrarium.

Nerve Plant (Fittonia spp.): This spreading plant yields veined, deep-green leaves that can vary from silver-white, red, and pink. They will be the perfect large-leaf plant for your terrarium.

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artillery fern with bright green leaves
nerve plant with white and green vein leaves

How to Maintain Your Terrarium

As mentioned before, taking care of a terrarium is very easy. You need to follow a few simple steps every couple of weeks to keep your terrarium happy and thriving.

  1. Check on the Soil: Feel the soil to see if it is dry and needs some water. Fully and partially enclosed terrariums hold water much longer than most potted houseplants do. Terrariums hold in humidity, meaning they retain more water as well. If your soil is dry, water lightly so your plants don’t dry out.
  2. Prune Plants: Pruning your plants will not be necessary very often. However, if you notice any damaged or yellow leaves, gently take them off. If you have any trailing or spreading plants that are growing too big, prune them back so they stay the perfect size for the container.
  3. Check for Condensation: This step is specifically for a fully closed terrarium. We recommend you take off the lid at least once a month to let your container dry out. Leave the top off until all the condensation had disappeared. If you accidentally added too much water, you can do this same method to help rid any excess water.

Stop by and check out our selection of containers, additives, and plants for yourself and make your very own terrarium today!