Lawn Care Products You Should Be Using Now

Lawn Care Products You Should Be Using Now

Everyone wants the greenest lawn on the block. But with the unpredictable weather we've had this past month, your lawn may be looking...dismal. Don't worry, we have remedies to get your grass looking fresh as can be while also preventing critters from overtaking your outdoor living space and gardens. Here is a list from our lawn care team about what lawn care products you should be using to ensure a healthy, bug and fungus free lawn this summer.
Five Mosquito Fighting Products for Your Property

Five Mosquito Fighting Products for Your Property

If you're worried about mosquitoes ruining your backyard parties this summer, now is the time to think about preventing them from moving in in the first place. This year especially, mosquitoes are predicted to be out in full force and with the threat of Zika Virus and other mosquito-borne diseases, there is certainly a reason to be concerned. The first line of defense is clearly by covering exposed skin and using a DEET spray. However, for those of you interested in treating your yard and preventing the little buggers from breeding further - we have a few solutions that will help keep the mosquitoes at bay throughout the summer.
How to Treat Lawn Fungus

How to Treat Lawn Fungus

Have you ever noticed some browning spots on your lawn? Or maybe some mushrooms have been popping up. Chances are you have a lawn fungus and you don’t even know it. The conditions around Maryland have been ripe for lawn fungus, so now is the time to treat and prevent against lawn fungus.
How to Care for Frost Bitten Plants

How to Care for Frost Bitten Plants

Springtime in Maryland can be unpredictable! This year we’ve seen everything from warm, picture-perfect days to typical rainy days to downright cold and snowy days. It's the middle of April and we are still getting frost. This kind of weather takes its toll on your garden and your plants. Even if you cover your plants with frost cloth and protect them with mulch, temperature swings like this can be too much for some plants to handle. If you have frost-bitten plants in your garden all hope is not lost. There are things you can do to help your plants recover. If you see brown, drooping foliage, it’s dead. But, and this is important but, if the plant has a woody stem, the stem and the root system could still be in good shape. The plant can recover and produce new foliage once the dead stuff is trimmed away.
How to Design a Winter Container

How to Design a Winter Container

Container plants are the perfect way to bring some color to entryways and patios, especially in the winter! There is no need to count them out just because winter is approaching. In fact, this is the time our gardens are most in need of some color and winter interest. You can even use the containers that held your warm season plantings, so long as they are frost resistant!
How to Maintain Your Pond this Winter

How to Maintain Your Pond this Winter

A healthy pond is an enjoyable pond.  A well-balanced pond tends to take care of itself but there is basic maintenance required throughout the year.  We all know about cleaning filters, servicing pumps and fertilizing plants in the spring and summer but pond owners often neglect their pond once the weather turns cold. Here are some basic tips for how to maintain your pond this winter.
Benefits of a Professional Landscape Design

Benefits of a Professional Landscape Design

There are many reasons for investing in a professional landscape design.  First and foremost, a small upfront investment in a landscape plan will save you money in the long run. A professional plan will not only have the correct plants for the different areas of your yard, but it will also address many issues that a homeowner may not even consider. A homeowner typically only thinks of plants when planning landscaping. This is actually the last thing a professional landscaper should consider. A landscape plan should address light conditions, wind direction, drainage problems and how the homeowner plans on using the different areas of the yard.