Keep Your Pumpkins Fresh All Season Long
It is officially the time of year for fall decorating, and if you are incorporating live pumpkins into your displays, then we have a few tips for you. By following the guidelines below, you should be able to keep your pumpkins happy this fall season!

What Causes Pumpkins To Rot?
The two main reasons that cause pumpkins to rot are that they dry out and/or are damaged by pests.
Carving your pumpkin will speed up the drying process, so it is recommended to wait until only a few days before Halloween if you are choosing to carve a Jack-O-Lantern.

How To Prevent Your Pumpkins From Drying Out
Before you begin decorating or carving your pumpkins, it is important to prep them. There are a few different methods for prolonging the livelihood of your pumpkins; however, the first step is always the same. Start by cleaning your pumpkins. You can use a traditional dish soap or just water.
After cleaning your pumpkins, make sure to thoroughly dry them before continuing to any of the following methods. If you choose to carve your pumpkins, then make sure to completely clean out the insides down to the rind and leave no excess “guts” inside.
The Natural Method
If you are looking to avoid chemicals, then try this natural method using a peppermint essential oil. For every quart of water, add one tablespoon of peppermint essential oil. Add this mixture to a spray bottle and cover both the outside and the inside (if you have carved your pumpkin) thoroughly.
Paint Your Uncarved Pumpkins
This method is definitely the most creative, you just have to make sure your pumpkins are completely dry before you start. Both chalk and acrylic paints work best for sticking to the pumpkin and creating an extra barrier between the pumpkin and surrounding elements.
Using A Bleach Solution
There are two methods for using a diluted bleach solution.
The soaking method. The first method is for soaking your pumpkins. For each gallon of water, mix in one tablespoon of bleach. According to the Farmers Almanac, you should let these pumpkins soak for 1-3 hours. Repeat this process as they begin to look dry.
The spraying method. Mix a solution of one tablespoon of bleach to one quart of water and gently spray your pumpkins. Repeat this process as they start to look dry.

Treating Your Carved Pumpkins
Carved pumpkins have a much higher exposure rate to the elements than uncarved pumpkins and rot at a more rapid rate. There are a few extra precautions you can take to slow down the drying process.
To prevent your creation from drying and folding in, try hydrating the carved edges with petroleum jelly or oils. Vegetable, coconut, and olive oils work well for this; however, they may attract insects. Due to their flammable nature, it is important to not light your pumpkin with a candle if you apply any of these to your pumpkin.

Climate Control
One factor that many people do not consider when decorating with pumpkins is the climate they are placing their pumpkins in. Both lighting and temperature are crucial factors to consider for maintaining your pumpkins throughout the fall season.
Ideal Light Conditions For Pumpkins
When keeping your pumpkins outdoors, one factor that is easy to control is the amount of light that they receive. Choose a spot for your pumpkins that receives little to no direct sunlight. They thrive in cool, dark places. Direct sunlight will dry out your pumpkins faster and cause them to decay quicker.
Ideal Temperatures For Keeping Your Pumpkins Fresh
Pumpkins enjoy moderate temperatures, so it is important to avoid keeping them out in any extreme weather. High heat or below-freezing temperatures will damage your pumpkins.
Can I Keep My Pumpkins Outside In The Rain?
Any excess moisture, such as rain and other forms of precipitation, is not good to keep your pumpkins around. This can encourage mold growth and cause your pumpkins to get mushy quickly. If the weather is calling for any form of precipitation, then it is better to bring your pumpkins inside.

Things To Avoid When Decorating With Pumpkins
There are a few small factors that make a big difference in prolonging your pumpkins. Be conscience of the following:
Moving Your Pumpkins
Try to avoid moving them as much as possible. Every time you touch your pumpkins, you are transferring unwanted oils from your hands onto your pumpkins.
Beyond the oils from your hands, you also risk damaging them every time you move them. You could drop, nick, or bruise your pumpkins when transferring them.
Keep Your Pumpkins Off Of The Ground
Placing your pumpkins on the ground allows easier access for insects and other wildlife to damage your pumpkins. Try placing them on a raised surface to deter any pests.
Lighting Your Jack-O-Lanterns
The type of light that you choose to put inside of your Jack-O-Lantern can speed up the decaying process if you choose the wrong one. Traditional candles are not recommended, due to the heat from the flame drying out the pumpkin.
The best option for illuminating your creation is LED lights. These will not produce heat like a traditional candle.

Pumpkins At Patuxent Nursery
Here at Patuxent, we have loads of different pumpkins for you to choose from. We have everything from tiny to large and traditional to unique. Come check them all out today!