All About Creating A Green Privacy Screen In Your Garden

All About Creating A Green Privacy Screen In Your Garden

As an alternative to traditional fencing, green screening makes use of plants, such as privacy trees, to form a natural barrier around an outdoor space. Privacy trees are low maintenance and typically of the evergreen variety, growing at times well over 20 feet tall and, because of their height and density, succeed in creating a natural sound, wind, and sight screen. Beyond their practical use, the rich foliage of privacy trees add a bit of charm and character to an outdoor living area, making your space all the more scenic. Read more...
How To: Preserve Your Cut Hydrangea Flowers

How To: Preserve Your Cut Hydrangea Flowers

The one thing that can be tricky when handling cut Hydrangea flowers is keeping them from wilting. Unfortunately, Hydrangea flowers wilt easily, but there are a few steps you can take to avoid this! Learn how to properly cut, care for, and revive your hydrangea flowers and enjoy them in your home. Want to know how to dry Hydrangea flowers? Read more...
Our Favorite Deer-Resistant Perennial Plants

Our Favorite Deer-Resistant Perennial Plants

Your ornamental plants, flowers, and shrubs in your garden should be eye candy, not the candy store for the local deer population. Although it is important to note, it is impossible to completely deer-proof a garden; you can do your best to fill it with plants known for being the least desirable to these furry forest creatures. Not only are deer-resistant perennials resistant to deer, but because they are, you increase your chances of escaping pest damage.
Our Top 10 Pet-Friendly Houseplants

Our Top 10 Pet-Friendly Houseplants

We all love the look houseplants provide in our home, but many species can be toxic to animals like cats and dogs, or as we like to call them, your “Furry Friends.” Pets are pretty much unpredictable, and you never know when they might get a sudden urge to munch on a leaf or two of your beloved houseplants. Check out our top 10 pet-safe houseplants offered at Patuxent Nursery.
Create The Perfect Spring Garden

Create The Perfect Spring Garden

Spring is here, the birds are once again chirping, and the smell of freshly cut grass is all around. Meaning one thing, it is time to prepare your garden for the warmer season. Similar to giving your home or car a good spring cleaning after the long winter months, your garden needs a little freshening up as well.
What’s Bugging your Garden?

What’s Bugging your Garden?

Anyone with a green thumb will tell you that pest issues are inevitable. Here are some tips to help you identify some common pests in your garden. Keep a close eye on your garden so you can catch and combat these pests before they do some real damage. While there are chemical insecticides on the market, and available at Patuxent Nursery, that can control and kill intruders, there are organic and preventative measures that can be taken.
Lawn Care Products You Should Be Using Now

Lawn Care Products You Should Be Using Now

Everyone wants the greenest lawn on the block. But with the unpredictable weather we've had this past month, your lawn may be looking...dismal. Don't worry, we have remedies to get your grass looking fresh as can be while also preventing critters from overtaking your outdoor living space and gardens. Here is a list from our lawn care team about what lawn care products you should be using to ensure a healthy, bug and fungus free lawn this summer.
Five Mosquito Fighting Products for Your Property

Five Mosquito Fighting Products for Your Property

If you're worried about mosquitoes ruining your backyard parties this summer, now is the time to think about preventing them from moving in in the first place. This year especially, mosquitoes are predicted to be out in full force and with the threat of Zika Virus and other mosquito-borne diseases, there is certainly a reason to be concerned. The first line of defense is clearly by covering exposed skin and using a DEET spray. However, for those of you interested in treating your yard and preventing the little buggers from breeding further - we have a few solutions that will help keep the mosquitoes at bay throughout the summer.