Our Favorite Deer-Resistant Perennial Plants

Our Favorite Deer-Resistant Perennial Plants

Your ornamental plants, flowers, and shrubs in your garden should be eye candy, not the candy store for the local deer population. Although it is important to note, it is impossible to completely deer-proof a garden; you can do your best to fill it with plants known for being the least desirable to these furry forest creatures. Not only are deer-resistant perennials resistant to deer, but because they are, you increase your chances of escaping pest damage.
Our Top 10 Pet-Friendly Houseplants

Our Top 10 Pet-Friendly Houseplants

We all love the look houseplants provide in our home, but many species can be toxic to animals like cats and dogs, or as we like to call them, your “Furry Friends.” Pets are pretty much unpredictable, and you never know when they might get a sudden urge to munch on a leaf or two of your beloved houseplants. Check out our top 10 pet-safe houseplants offered at Patuxent Nursery.
All About Terrariums

All About Terrariums

Terrariums are low maintenance, beautiful mini gardens that are great for small spaces indoors. Whether you received one as a gift or want to build one for your home or office, here is our guide.